Maasai Mara safari overcrowding stresses Kenyan wildlife


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Maasai Mara safari overcrowding stresses Kenyan wildlife
An early morning in Kenya's Maasai Mara game reserve - with a wildebeest quietly grazing, birds crowding on the branches of a lone acacia tree and some zebras meandering nearby - is suddenly interrupted by an incoming radio call.
Our tour guide driving a four-wheel drive speeds off across the plains after being told the famous "four brothers" are on the prowl.
These male cheetahs are known to work together with deadly efficiency - although, with so many wildebeest in the vicinity, it is hard to imagine breakfast will present much of a challenge.
Ours isn't the only four-wheel drive racing across the dry grass to witness the imminent ****. No fewer than 27 other vehicles are encircling the herd of zebra and wildebeest waiting for the show.


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