How to Apply for a Passport in Kenya


How to Apply for a passport in Kenya
The lifting of international travel restrictions imposed by a number of countries to contain the spread of COVID-19 has been a welcomed milestone for travellers and the travel and aviation sectors alike.

Whether the trip is business or leisure-oriented, Kenyan travel enthusiasts now have the liberty to get out of their comfort zones and travel to any destination of their choosing. In order to kick start and enjoy a seamless travel experience, it is however vital to have an international travel document in the form of a passport. This is the most reliable form of identification for airlines, airport authorities and immigration officials.

If you are looking for the simplest way to apply for your very first passport or renew an old or lost one, here are a few simple things you should know

1. The first step involves registering on the e-citizen platform. (For first-time passport applicants).

2. Once registered, proceed to the Immigrations department's online portal and open the passport application form.

3. Read the form and fill it as instructed.

4. Pay for the application process (Immigration accepts M-PESA, Credit, Debit as well as online banking payment modes)

5. Download the pre-filled application and three transaction receipts.

6. Physically deliver the form to the Immigration offices at Nyayo House for processing.

N/B: Application rates vary depending on the reason and type of passport you are applying for. Rates range from between Ksh.4,550 to Ksh.12,050. A first-time passport applicant will have to wait for at least 10 days after submitting the application form. Other application types will take at least 5 working days for processing. The application can also take much longer to process if the forms are filled incorrectly...


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Проведение дезинфекции, дезинсекции и дератизации, а также санитарной обработки в Саратове и области. Дезинсекция от комаров, блох, клопов, ос, уничтожение мышей и крыс, а также дезинфекция систем вентиляции, кондиционирования воздуха.
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