Help me raise $15K for a short film (15 Years Later is a short family drama about parent-child relationship)


15 Years Later | Short Film | Crowd Funding Campaign
Help me raise $15K for a short film (15 Years Later is a short family drama about parent-child relationship)

15 Years Later is a short family drama about parent-child relationship. This community film addresses some of the challenges that we as African immigrants face when migrate into the US. Change of environment , work, language, neighborhoods etc, could be mentally overwhelming if not handled well.

Financial challenges play a huge role too.
Sally Muiruri, a filmmaker based in Boston, MA has seen the need to voice out these challenges in form of a short film. To make the film, she needs financial support. Gifts of any amount add up, as they contribute to the cause in a huge way.
Your support is highly appreciated

For any Donations to help meet our $15,000 Dollars Budget kindly Cashapp and or use the following donations links below:

15 Years Later Film

Cashapp Number : 781 975 4214 $ThituProduction