Breaking News!Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko impeached


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Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko impeached

Nairobi’s Governor Mike Sonko has called his impeachment by the Nairobi County Assembly a political witch-hunt with no basis.
Through his defense counsel, the embattled Governor raised indications that pointed fingers at the possibility of seeking an opening for the Executive to take over Nairobi county which is an insult to devolution.

During his last day of cross-examination in a special sitting of the Senate for the second day.
In their submission, the Governor’s defense counsel lead by Harrison Kinyanjui dismissed the impeachment motion terming it as one whose foundation has not been established warning of dire implications.

“The county assembly has not provided reasonable evidence to indicate that voting by members of the county assembly wasn’t marked with irregularities and there lacked public participation during the hearing. There’s a clear plot of malice in play,” he said.

The Governor however has confirmed that indeed his wife and daughter travelled to New York, United States, but paid for the trip via personal means.⁣

The Governor told the Senate plenary that “these are just smear campaigns. My daughter did not spend Sh840M. The amount in question is only Sh2.6M.”⁣

Nairobi County Assembly Minority Leader Michael Ogada had on Wednesday accused Sonko of flying his daughter in a first-class flight to the US which translated into the misappropriation of public funds.⁣

“My wife deposited personal cash. The trip was official and genuine because they were both part of the government delegation confirmed by State House,” he told Senate.⁣

Sonko was also faulted for breaching public trust by signing the Deed of Transfer of crucial county functions to the Nairobi Metrpolitan Service while drunk, to which he answered, “I was told that I am going to be helped and that we are going to work together with the president.

I was not told that the General was going to take over the functions.”⁣ The Governor now awaits the decision by the Senate, only requiring 24 votes in his favor to know his fate. The voting will be virtual with Senators required to use zoom videos and their voices for transparency.
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