Let's discuss, do you agree or disagree with the African Patriarchy where women are taught to accept oppression for their marriages to thrive? Why do we teach our girls to pray for their cheating abusive husbands, while the man walks free. I think as Africans it is time to address this issue coz Patriarchy has not even helped the African man in anyway. He was taught Patriarchy by the white man which has burned us in every way including marriage, the black man is walked on the head by the white man like a ***** selling the entire continent, if you thought PATRIARCHY oppresses women alone then you need to wake up and see how CHINESE ASKED KENYAN MEN TO LIE DOWN AND THEY WHIPPED THEM LIKE SMALL KIDS IN THEIR OWN FACTORIES IN THEIR OWN LAND 😂 but si you African men supports Patriarchy when it is attacking women, look at how your leaders treat you like ****???. When will we say no to this so that we can heal our continent and bring sanity back???? THE AFRICAN MAN IS THE MAIN PROBLEM IN THE CONTINENT and this leaves women and children suffering. ISIS=MEN, ALSHABAB=MEN, ALKAIDA=MEN, WHO SUFFERS THEIR WRATH? WOMEN AND CHILDREN. So if we wanted to fix the world, we know where the problem is but EGO won't let us.


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