A Timely Initiative Helping Kenyans in America Hard Hit by Covid-19


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A Timely Initiative Helping Kenyans in America Hard Hit by Covid-19

A section of Kenyans living in America have come together with an initiative to help Kenyans in America Diaspora hard hit by effects of Covid-19
While Kenyans living in America are spread out across the country and working in diverse industries and careers, a recent survey shows that there is a sizeable number of Kenyans in seeking support: from financial, spiritual, legal, educational, and other needs

The 1-week survey conducted-a joint effort by African Warrior Magazine, Kwitu and Jamhuri-News received feedback from 124 survey respondents. 71% of the respondents said they had been affected by Covid-19 in one way or another. 23% of the respondents expressed an urgent financial need for help to cater for food and housing; 16% of respondents noted they are in dire need of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 6% of the respondents said they are in need of spiritual and emotional support; while 19% of those who responded mentioned they need help with other things such as legal advice, online schooling of kids, or community outreach. While admitting that Covid-19 had affected them in one way or another, 36% of respondents said they were okay for the time being and do not need help.
The survey paints a picture most of us would not imagine there are Kenyans who have reached the end of their tethers and are crying to be helped with basic needs such as food and housing.
African Warrior Magazine, Kwitu and Jamhuri News have partnered with other organizations and individuals in a joint initiative that provides a platform to support those affected by Covid-19 in America. Other organizations involved in the initiative include Mwakilishi, Samrack Media, 254 Diaspora DJs Live in the Mix, WOYO & Global Diversity Consulting, and The Prudential Show. The individuals working on the project include Wairiumu Kimani, Karanja G, 2016/2017 Face of Kenya in America winner and Non Profit Management professional Judy Nzeki, Sacramento based lawyer Pablo Nzengu and Dr. Dawn Becker-an Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine at the University of Florida

The legal team will offer pro-bono counsel to Kenyans seeking legal assistance in areas around immigration, work permit and so on. There is a team that will provide spiritual and emotional counselling to those in need. The initiative also has experts who can answer questions on infectious diseases and use of PPEs.
Already, the team has raised over $5,000 through various fundraising campaigns. The money will be used to help Kenyans in America in need of financial assistance. Those seeking help can make an application through THIS LINK
The mountain ahead is high, but we are calling upon you to walk with us in this initiative for when we are many, we are stronger.
The initiative welcomes every Kenyan in America who can volunteer their expertise to help those in need. Kenyans in America who are in a position to make financial donation can do so HERE

Those in need of financial help will be thoroughly vetted by a small sub-committee to ensure there is accountability. If you have any need or know someone in need, please reach out to us at info@kacrf.com


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