kra returns

  1. TheKamams

    Process For Filing Annual Returns For Both Employed And Nil Filers Living in Kenya and Diaspora

    Kenyans living in Kenya or in Diaspora are required by Kenya Revenue Authority to file there annual returns yearly between 1st January and 30th June whether employed or not. Any person who is a holder of a KRA PIN is required not to fail to file returns as failure leads to a penalty of...
  2. TheKamams

    KRA PIN Holders to Pay this Heavy Fines for Failing to File Returns as June 30th Deadline Approaches

    As the saying goes, give to Caesar what belongs to him and God what belongs to God, every Kenyan or non-Kenyan living in Kenya is expected to give to the government what belongs to it. This is done through paying taxes cutting across from the following sources of income; Business Income from any...