What relationship advice would you like to give to your younger-self?


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What relationship advice would you like to give to your younger-self?

  1. Sex and love are not one and the same.
  2. If someone lies about small things, they will lie about big things.
  3. Look at how a man treats women he has no interest in dating. That is where his true character shows. (If he is trying to pick you up, of course he will be nice to you!)
  4. Anything you chase runs away. The more you chase, the faster they run.
  5. Some men will promise you anything and everything you want to hear,Learn to read between the lines.
  6. Most women think clearly before sex, most men do after.
  7. Evaluate people by their repeated actions, not by their words.
  8. The numbers game doesn’t work. We attract & repel people based on who we are. If you don’t like the kind of men you are repeatedly attracting, take a good honest look at yourself.
  9. Falling head over heels on a first date is infatuation, not real love..
  10. Instant relationships will fizzle out quickly because they are built on superficial declarations of love. Instant relationships, like instant food and get rich quick schemes, SUCK, big time! They are not real.
  11. You can’t talk a man into commitment.
  12. Sometimes a good guy is taking his time to really get to know you, don’t assume he is not interested. Recognize that you are drawn to the drama and excitement of the instant relationship, which is not real love so you may be dismissing good guys.
  13. There ARE high quality men of substance out there.. they are not magical unicorns! They really do exist, but you have to become a high quality, secure woman of substance to attract one. No, you don’t have to look like a supermodel but you do need good grooming & a positive attitude! Thinking all men are jerks will repel the good ones.
  14. Insecure women attract insecure men by jumping into an instant relationship making grand promises when they barely know each other.
  15. Predatory men prey on insecure women. (Just like gold diggers prey on insecure men.)
  16. Don’t give too much too soon.. it won’t be appreciated.. A man appreciates things he has to work for. Cooking him a 5 course dinner on a third date will have him wondering what you are selling.. He will greatly appreciate the same gesture in 6 months time.
  17. Get to know your relationship adult attachment style (secure, anxious or avoidant) - know your relationship triggers. If you are anxious, stay away from avoidants. You will bring out the worst in each other.
  18. If a boyfriend makes grand promises and then starts to retreat - let him go..
  19. If love isn’t given freely, begging someone for it will only make them respect you less. It will eat up your self-esteem and desperation will become part of your identity no matter how much you insist that you are NOT desperate!
  20. Never cry over someone who ghosted you.. they did you a massive favor by exiting from your life.
  21. Know your worth. If you don’t, build your self-worth.
  22. You cannot get your self-esteem from another person through a relationship. It only comes from within.
  23. Don’t seek outside validation through manipulative communication. It will repel high quality people. “Does this make me look fat?” “Do you think about your ex?”
  24. You are your habits. If you don’t like yourself, take a look at your habits and systematically change them.
  25. If something in your gut tells you that you don’t feel comfortable with a man, run.
  26. Don’t call a man who hasn’t called you back.
  27. Starving yourself to be thin doesn’t result in a loving partner. It results in you starving and attracting externally focused men who value thin women. Get in shape for the sake of getting in shape and living a fit lifestyle.
  28. You will never be good enough for your parents. Stop trying to be good enough for them and be the best human being you can be. Set your own values and standards and stick to them. If you blame them for the hurtful things they said to you, also give them credit for all the good things. It’s only fair.
  29. If someone talks badly of other people to you, they will do the same about you behind your back.