What are the most important things to consider when entering a new relationship



What are the most important things to consider when entering a new relationship

1. You don't know half of the truth about the person you're getting into a relationship with.

2. Everybody harbours some secrets they’ll never reveal. Not even in the best of relationships.

3. Before you get into a relationship, try to carry out a private background check on your partner. I know. This may sound a little absurd at first, but in the end it may save you lots of pain and agony later.

4. People change. Even the person you’ve fallen in love head-over-heals with may change.

5. When getting into a relationship, trust is more important than love.

6. A relationship is about taking risks. If the risk is not very well calculated, the cost may be high.

7. Arranged relationships don't work very well, especially if they're arranged by close friends, relatives, or parents. This is because they’re not the ones taking the risks.

8. A relationship has three important components: i) Love is vital to bring passion into a relationship and keep it going, ii) Friendship, which is important to build trust, and iii) Trust, which is important to solidify a relationship. Ensure that both of you have the same qualities.

9. Prepare for unknown outcomes. There will be issues and things beyond your control, which you must deal with. Financial stability is most important. Make sure both of you have a source of income and a contingency plan.

10. There's something more important than finances, and that is your psychological well being. Nothing is more important in a relationship than your psychological and emotional stability.

11. Disagreements are inevitable and remember, in a relationship there's no monopoly of opinion.

12. Most disagreements in a relationship center on money, possessiveness, jealousy, and selfishness.