Stress before the Pandemic


52% of US adults said they were stressed before the pandemic. The reasons for stress were as follows:

- Inflation

- Economic instability

- Lack of savings

- Medical/health bills

- Aging

- Credit card debt

- Layoffs/income loss

- Student loans

The fact that 52% of US adults were already experiencing stress before the pandemic is concerning. These stressors, such as inflation, economic instability, lack of savings, medical bills, and credit card debt, were likely already weighing heavily on individuals and families.

The pandemic only added to these stressors, exacerbating existing financial difficulties and introducing new challenges such as job loss, uncertainty, and health concerns. It is important to note that certain groups, such as low-income individuals and people of color, may have been disproportionately affected by these stressors both before and during the pandemic.

The stress caused by these financial challenges can have serious implications for individuals' mental and physical health, as well as their ability to function effectively in their personal and professional lives. It highlights the need for policies and programs that can help individuals and families to better manage their finances and navigate economic uncertainties, such as access to affordable healthcare, financial education, and support for job training and career development.