List of Ambassadors of the United States to Kenya

William Attwood – Political appointee


Title: Represetative Exceptional and Diplomat

Selected: February 20, 1964

Introduced certifications: Walk 2, 1964

Ended mission: left post, May 1, 1966

Glenn W. Ferguson – Political deputy

Title: Envoy Unprecedented and Diplomat

Designated: September 16, 1966

Introduced certifications: November 4, 1966

Ended mission: Left post, April 7, 1969

Robinson McIlvaine – Profession FSO

Title: Minister Unprecedented and Emissary

Named: September 15, 1969

Introduced accreditations: September 30, 1969

Ended mission: Left post, April 4, 1973

Anthony D. Marshall – Political appointee


Title: Diplomat Unprecedented and Emissary

Delegated: December 19, 1973

Introduced accreditations: January 22, 1974

Ended mission: Left post, April 26, 1977

Wilbert John LeMelle – Political appointee


Title: Represetative Exceptional and Diplomat

Selected: May 11, 1977

Introduced certifications: August 10, 1977

Ended mission: Left post, June 28, 1980

William Caldwell Harrop – Vocation FSO


Title: Represetative Uncommon and Diplomat

Designated: May 23, 1980

Introduced accreditations: July 10, 1980

Ended mission: September 1, 1983

Gerald Eustis Thomas – Political nominee


Title: Envoy Exceptional and Emissary

Designated: October 7, 1983

Introduced qualifications: November 9, 1983

Ended mission: Left post, September 29, 1989

Elinor Greer Constable – Profession FSO


Title: Minister Uncommon and Diplomat

Named: October 16, 1986

Introduced qualifications: December 11, 1986

Ended mission: Left post, September 29, 1989

Smith Hempstone, Jr. – Political representative


Title: Diplomat Unprecedented and Emissary

Selected: November 6, 1989

Introduced certifications: December 7, 1989

Ended mission: Left post, February 26, 1993

Aurelia E. Brazeal – Vocation FSO
Title: Envoy Uncommon and Diplomat

Designated: August 9, 1993

Introduced qualifications: September 21, 1993

Ended mission: Left post, September 11, 1996

Prudence Bushnell – Profession FSO

Title: Minister Unprecedented and Emissary

Named: June 11, 1996

Introduced qualifications: September 2, 1996

Ended mission: Left post May 22, 1999

Johnnie Carson – Profession FSO


Title: Diplomat Unprecedented and Emissary

Named: July 7, 1999

Introduced accreditations: September 23, 1999

Ended mission: July 6, 2003

William M. Bellamy – Vocation FSO
Title: Represetative Remarkable and Diplomat

Selected: April 16, 2003

Introduced accreditations: September 9, 2003

Ended mission: Left post June 25, 2006

Michael Ranneberger – Vocation FSO

Title: Diplomat Uncommon and Emissary

Selected: July 5, 2006

Introduced certifications: August 23, 2006

Ended mission: May 4, 2011

Scott Gration – Political nominee

Title: Represetative Remarkable and Diplomat

Selected: April 18, 2011

Introduced certifications: May 18, 2011

Ended mission: July 23, 2012

Robert F. Godec – Vocation FSO

Title: Represetative Remarkable and Emissary

Selected: September 12, 2012

Introduced certifications: February 15, 2013

Ended mission: February 1, 2019

Kyle McCarter – Political nominee

Title: Represetative Remarkable and Emissary

Selected: January 2, 2019

Introduced accreditations: Walk 12, 2019

Ended mission: Officeholder
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